
‘Romeo & Juliet’ At Toraja Land Cemetery

Foto: Yohan

Rantepao, voxnusantara.com – The burial place in Toraja, South Sulawesi, is well known. There are even thousands of corpses that are already in it. Among the thousands of corpses there are love stories such as the story of ‘Romeo and Juliet’, two lovebirds who died tragically for their love.

One of the tours visited by the medi, namely, Londa. Londa is a cave filled with tombs. Meanwhile, on the cliffs of the cave there are wooden statues of humans complete with neatly lined clothes as symbols of the dead. And if we go into the cave there are many coffins.

Foto: Ca

And in the cave there are coffins arranged, as a sign of one family and some are separated. And from the thousands of corpses there are two human skulls that are stored side by side.

The two are lovers named Lobo and Andui, both of whom are believed to have died from hanging themselves on the same tree because of their unsanctioned romance.

“The two human skulls that were there were known as ‘Romeo & Juliet. They died hanging themselves in a tree due to not being approved by the family,” said Pak Pande, one of Londa’s tour guides.

Pak Pande explained that the love story between the two was a forbidden relationship, because both of them were still in the same noble family which was forbidden by their ancestors.

“Because of the prohibition, they chose the way to hang themselves. This incident is also believed to have happened about 70 years ago. The family finally agreed to bury the two side by side on Londa Hill. The two skulls were removed from the coffin and stored on a coffin that had been prepared. destroyed it.***

Penulis: Mutia