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Faperta Untad Provides Knowledge and Skills for Lecturers

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Photo: Dr Rustam

Voxnusantara.com-Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta) of Tadulako University (Untad) carried out activities, Preparation of MBKM Curriculum RPS and Innovative Learning Methods. This activity is an effort from the faculty of agriculture to provide knowledge and skills for lecturers at the faculty of agriculture, in preparing MBKM RPS, with the concept of case method and team-based project.
The activity, which was held online through the zoom application and offline at the Bestwestern Coco hotel, Palu city, Tuesday, September 28, 2021, presented Nur Baladina, SP, MP, as a resource person from Universitas Brawijaya.

The training is carried out so that lecturers are able to prepare RPS and carry out innovative learning, so that graduates of the Faculty of Agriculture can become individuals who have the provision of hard skills and soft skills, so that they can play a large role in society and are empowered in their respective work environments.

The activity was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Untad, who was represented by the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Mr. Dr. Ir Rustam Abd Rauf, SP, MP, IPM, and was attended by Lecturers in the Agribusiness Study Program and the Agrotechnology Study Program.

“This RPS workshop is very important in dealing with changes in learning that follow the times that are changing so rapidly, besides that this workshop supports the MBKM program launched by the Minister in 2020, which is stated in Permendikbud number 3 of 2020, concerning the national standards of Higher Education. ,” Dr. Ir Rustam Abd Rauf.

Furthermore, Dr Rustam continued, this RPS preparation training discussed the MBKM MK RPS in accordance with the OBE Principles of Output Basecome Education (outcome-based education) and the alignment of the MBKM RPS with the Occupational Map and SKKNI. In the material, he said, it was explained how to prepare the Study Program RPS based on innovative learning methods based on the Case Method and Team Based Project.***

Penulis: Yohanes
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