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National Police Chief: Hurry Up 4 MIT DPO and Maintain This Good Performance

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Foto: Humas Polda Sulteng (Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo)

Voxnusantara.com – The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, expressed his appreciation to all personnel of the Madago Raya Operations Task Force for taking firm action against the leader of the East Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) Ali Kalora. This was said, when Sigit led the briefing to the Madago Raya Operations Task Force, together with the TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto at Kasiguncu Airport, Poso, Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi), Tuesday (28/9/21).

The National Police Chief said this was a manifestation of the presence of the TNI/Polri in maintaining security and public order from all threats of terror. Measured decisive action, he said, had been taken against the leadership of the MIT group. Therefore, said the National Police Chief, it is hoped that all efforts to maintain security and order from the threat of terror groups can become a field of charity for all of us.

“I emphasize to all personnel of Madago Raya, to continue to pursue the four remaining members of the terror group. Moreover, the officers succeeded in taking firm action against Ali Kalora and Jaka Ramadhan, in Astina Village, Torue District, Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi on Saturday 18 Last September 2021,” explained the National Police Chief Sigit.

So, he said, after successfully cracking down on Ali Kalora, now MIT only has four people, namely Askar alias Jaid alias Pak Guru, Nae alias Galuh alias Mukhlas, Ahmad Gazali alias Ahmad Panjang, and Suhardin alias Hasan Pranata. So, said the National Police Chief, to maintain this good performance, carry out law enforcement professionally and proportionally to the remaining targets.

“Even though they have taken action against the leadership of MIT, in the future the TNI-Polri must continue to strengthen and increase synergy and solidity to provide security and tranquility for the community. The state must not lose to intolerant groups and terrorism. There is no place for groups trying to divide unity and integrity. NKRI in the archipelago,” he said.

“So I will always be committed to giving rewards to highly dedicated personnel, in carrying out their duties in maintaining security and order from all forms of interference from the MIT group,” he said.

Penulis: Yohanes
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